Hurricane Irene


There’s nothing like being heartbroken and mad that someone you really didn’t want to leave does and goes to New York. Forever. And then having a hurricane named after you. A highly publicized hurricane that’s all over the radio, news and internet. So glorious it is to know that my name was constantly repeated for those that are tormented by my vibrant memory.

All in all though, the hurricane was a real let down. I wanted mass HYSTERIA. You know, if mass hysteria was going to ensue, I would prefer that it do so under my name. Who wouldn’t. Am I right?

No, why would you ever want any type of mass hysteria tied to you in any way. Right, but even so, little bursts of natural destruction like this are an economic gift. And it happened on a Sunday! What luck! 10 billion in damage costs! Most damages are covered under insurance! Sure the city has to worry about going over budget (because it undoubtedly did), but in a nutshell, I’d say Irene was in many ways a success. It’d be very interesting to see some sort of cost/benefit for this. Not to get all “freakanomics”.

Speaking of, I wonder if there’s anywhere I can buy a T-shirt…

Let’s not get down and out by this, it’s going to keep happening. More hurricanes, more earthquakes, more tsunamis and nor’easterns and lava explosions.

What a fascinating time!


One Comment Add yours

  1. Misty says:

    That picture needs to be your profile pic. Also, while the hurricane may have been a let down, it’s namesake (i.e. the wonderful author of the above post) is anything but. Xo

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